Thursday, July 8, 2010

Little Girl's Hairstyles - How to do a Triple Dutch Braid 15-20 min

How was the holiday for everyone? I hope that no eyebrows, eyelashes, or (heaven forbid!) hair was singed off in any manner. We escaped unscathed (all except for a tumble off of a bike during our 4th of July bike ride. Not me. Only small knees were injured. We are good.)

And we are off with a new hairdo! This was an experiment (aren't they all!?). This hairdo incorporates 2 inside out french braids, with a smaller regular braid. For your gals with shorter hair, you can join the three braids together higher up on her head, rather than at the neckline.
Start with an angle part from forehead to neckline.
Then part off an angled section at the bottom of the first part, leaving enough to do a small braid.I clipped off the two top sections for ease.
Braid the small section into a regular braid.
Next, do a dutch braid in the top sections, angling them toward the small braid, so they all meet at the same point.
Braid it down to the ends.
Do both top sections so it ends with three braids.
Next, braid the three braids together for your triple dutch braid. 
And yup, she's in her PJ's. It was just one of those days. Most likely I was still in mine as well.


  1. U r a goddess of hair! This is GORGEOUS!! I used your blog tonight during my girl's night out! They all started asking about the cute hair I do for my girls, and I showed them your blog. I owe it all to you. You've helped me go from clueless to an expert! :) Thanks!!

  2. Oh, I agree with ARetha....I have shown my friends your blog too, and they love it as much as me. This is just beautiful too. So simple, but so different and pretty. Like always. You make doing hair seem easy, and it's accessible, not an hour long ordeal like some do's I've seen on blogs. You rock!

  3. Hey Shaunell-

    You were above me on SITS tonight, how funny! Hope you are doing well. We ought to do another giveaway together in the fall. Happy summer!



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