Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Little Girl's Hairstyles - Question and Answer "How do you get them to hold still?"

Here's a great question from my FB page:

Do your girls ever get all antsy while you're doing their hair? What do you do? My daughter always picks the most complicated do's and then she gets bored half way through.

Thanks Beth for this question! And YES, of course my girls get antsy! Have you seen these hairstyles?

So I say to you Beth, YES, my girls get antsy! Especially when I mess up a hairdo I'm photographing and have to start over! Ugh. Well, there's no secret to keeping them happy and patient, because they aren't! Who would be after sitting and having their hair pulled and braided and yanked on for 10, 20, 30 minutes? We know how patient our little gals are, so here's what I do. I've shared some of these before.

If I know I'll be doing something a little more time intensive, I prepare them by asking them. "Honey, Mommy wants to do something really pretty today with your hair for your party/church, etc. Is that ok? It will take a little bit of time, ok? You'll look sooo pretty when we are done!" (Or something to that effect). If they are being resistant at that, then I usually try to pick something quicker. BUT, if they are open to it, I give them the option of watching tv while we do it, or offering a snack. A snack is a clincher for my 4 yr. old.

Another trick is if the snack is gone and you are still working away, let them have your squirt bottle (if you use one) and spray it in the sink. My youngest usually ends up spraying the mirror too, but whatever you can stand. This is also great if you are trying to give them a haircut, and need them to stop squirming. My youngest also likes to do her doll's hair when I'm doing hers. I just open up my big box of elastics, give her a comb, and let her have at it.

There's no science. The thing I do most often is just talk to my girls. This is our time to chat and talk about whatever they want, and most of the time it's enough. My favorite conversations have taken place while I'm doing their hair. Ask them about their toys, their friends, favorite cartoons,etc. Most of all, just enjoy the time together!

Thanks Beth for the question! I hope you all had a fabulous Mother's day!


  1. This is a good tip. I like the squirt bottle idea. If my girls can play with water, they are happy.

  2. Well this is handy. I think this to myself every day, and I usually don't like to deal withthe hassle. Thanks a bunch for the ideas.

  3. I agree, I have some great chats with my daughter when I am doing her hair.

    Another trade off we do is I let her do mine, any style she wants, and I have to sit still and "be good" while she works. Of course, I am usually on my laptop so sitting still is no biggie, haha. I swear she pulls deliberately to get back at me.

  4. Love it--I know, my daughter likes to spray me with the squirt bottle, at close range, when I let her do mine. It's um, refreshing. :)

  5. Stoppin by from sits! Totally going to follow you. I have a 3 year old and wow these are some gorgeous ideas!
    They look great!

  6. My 2.5 year old daughter likes to brush her teeth when I'm doing her hair. So I turn on the cold water to a dribble, give her her toothbrush, and let her suck the water out of it. It usually keeps her occupied until I'm done.

  7. I've always loved the hairstyles you do to your kids and glad that they seem to enjoy it too. Mine is the opposite. Won't even let me put on a ponytail much less comb her hair. Any tricks to get her into the program?


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