Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Little Girl's Hairstyles - Makin' me proud!!!

My friends! I love nothing more than hearing feedback from you, and how you like certain things, and how you've tried them out, etc. But, what I love MOST, is when you send me pictures of hairdo's you've tried, and they've worked, and you share how happy you are about i!! It makes us mommas happy to make those little gals beautiful, and I'm so thrilled we can share it all together!
So that's enough of my cheesiness, I wanted to share with the rest of you some of the adorable pictures I've recently received:

Says her mom: ooo so excited! We just tried the curlers out you suggested, big hit! Take a look.
To see the post she referenced, look HERE.

And I received a great comment where an excited mom posted on her blog about her gal's hair. Take a look at her blog:  Tammy's Two Cents.
To see the post she referenced, look HERE.

Thanks for sharing these with me!! You made my day!

Don't forget to check out the awesome giveaway too--it's a great one!


  1. So cute! Gorgeous! I am gonna send in a picture of my girly--when I get one of these do's down good enough!

  2. I did your squished braids--I have to get a picture to do. this one is adorable.

  3. I didn't know you liked getting pictures. Hmmmmmm............

  4. this blog is really great! i was just in the shower, wondering if i'll have enough hair for a pony tail in 2010. wah!

  5. CUTE! I always loved curls when I was a little girl, but they always feel out of my long hair in about 2.5 seconds. (-:


  6. Thanks Shaunell...:) You are the one to thank. I wouldn't of been able to do such a cute hair braid without you!

  7. Yes, I entered the give away. The bows are so cute!!


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