Thursday, January 7, 2010

Little Girl's Hairstyles -Q & A: How to keep hairdos in?

I have been getting a lot of questions and I try my very best to respond to them, whether through email or if there's a link to your blog. BUT sometimes I can't find a way to respond directly back to you, and my only option is to just add another comment. And frankly, ladies, I just don't think that's sufficient! SO, I've decided to post some of your questions from time to time, and hopefully give you a decent answer, and perhaps some of the rest of you will find it helpful as well.

So, my first question comes from Caroline:
"Any suggestions for preventing the children from taking the hair down? My girls are ages 4, 2.5 and 14 months. We can get the hair up, but then they want to take it down later. I've explained to my 4 year old we have to keep it in (esp. when she starts school this summer). Anyway, would love any tips in that department."

Well, my friend Caroline, this is something I actually get asked a lot! And honestly, it wasn't until my girls were a little older (maybe ages 2 and up), that they did leave their hair alone. For us, I think it was a combo of some of the following:

1. Mom is hair crazy and you know you'll be forced to endure another 15 minute hair doing session if you touch that ponytail.
2. There's so much hairspray and elastics in your hair that it will hurt if you try to rip it out yourself.
3. You get SO many compliments from mom (and others hopefully) that you start liking having neat and tidy hair.

I think mostly I've badgered my kids enough about their messy hair, they've just finally accepted that when we are around other people, their hair needs to stay pretty. But when we are at home in our PJ's (like now), their hair can be as crazy and messy as they want.  I know if you consistently sit them down and do their hair, from a young age, they will get used to it and understand it's just that part of being a girl! Good luck! (oh and tiny elastics work great in teeny girl hair--harder to pull out!)

And here's a handy tip to getting out the elastics when it's bathtime or bedtime: Use a seam ripper! Also, only use nice coated elastics (see my Goody Elastics post) on little girl hair. The normal regular rubber bands are MURDER on fine little girl hair (on any hair really). Ones like the Goody elastics can usually slip right out of their hair if you take it out carefully.

Here's a wonderful tip from one of you lovely readers:
Just a note about using the seam ripper to remove tiny elastics... Make sure you don't catch any hair as you cut the elastic out or your girly will end of with a bit of a "haircut". Maybe that's common sense to some (LOL!!) but I learned it the hard way! ;P

Thanks for your question! Keep them coming!


  1. Hopefully, this will work for me also. I have been having trouble with a four-year-old. Strangely, the two-year-old loves getting her hair done & and she likes to keep it in! She sits very still and is fascinated at the though I am doing her hair. The four-year-old runs and hides if I say ANYTHING in the world about her hair. She is a moving target that is throughing a fit while I am doing her hair. And when it is FINALLY finished, SHE TAKES IT OUT!!! UGH!

  2. Hi there. Thanks for stopping by. I will have to show my daughter all you hairstyles. She is 9 with long hair. I finally have mastered the french braid! Woohoo for me!

  3. Just a note about using the seam ripper to remove tiny elastics... Make sure you don't catch any hair as you cut the elastic out or your girly will end of with a bit of a "haircut". Maybe that's common sense to some (LOL!!) but I learned it the hard way! ;P

  4. Smart words - sadly my hair-doin' days are over.

  5. My 2 year old will not leave anything in her hair. I still have hope. The 3 1/2 year is finally starting to get excited about clips and ponies and all things girly for the hair!

    Stopping by from SITS!


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