Monday, October 5, 2009

Little Girl's Hairstyles -The Loopy Do 15-20 min

I will have video soon!!!!!!! I got the cord today, and I'll be having a video tutorial on french braiding very soon!! Just had to share the news. :) And on to the latest...

This reminds me of hairdo's I had as a little girl, and it was tied up with that yarn ribbon--remember that stuff?
Part wet hair off like so: Crosswise to ears, and down the center to cross part. I clipped off the back section.
I did an inside out (backwards--I never can remember how I refer to them, but it means the same) french braid on each side section.
And braided the hair down a ways since it will be going into a pony.
Continue center part down the back, and pull into two ponys. Undo braid after it's in the pony.
I did three twist braids on each side. Do whatever number 1: you have time for,  2: looks good in the thickness of their hair, and 3: whatever you just darn well feel like. This particular day I felt like 3, since I think the twist braids look better a little smaller, rather than a little bigger. Oh, and I did slather on some gel prior to the twist braids. See how to do twist braids.
Finished twists. I tried to make all my twists the same length, since you'll be pulling them up, and want them to hang the same.
To make the loops, I  grab the elastic ends of the twists and line them up like so, right against the pony. Using clear elastics on the ends helps things look a tad bit neater.
Lay the ends flat against her head, next to the big pony, and wrap another clear elastic around the pony and the ends.
Since I had long ends hanging out like this, I smoothed them out, and looped them back over themselves,
And clipped them down with the bow clip. You can leave them just curling over, or you can curl them with an iron, if they are long enough.


  1. Oh I love the loops with the twists! It looks way more classy than just braids. She's so cute too!

  2. Absolutely beautiful! Love it! Hey, I really, really liked your hairdo for my October "Hairdoer of the Month"! No matter how hard I tried to convince them, my girls wanted the spider web one. I will keep yours for November, if you do not mind. Also, I added your link to my sidebar!

    Adopt a 'Do - Cute Girls Hairstyles

  3. this is my favorite. I just found your site today and love it!! thanks!

  4. i love your site but how do u get the twists to stay so pretty in white hair? they always slide out of my daughter's hair...

  5. Love this! I didn't realize you could twist hair like that. I think I'll try it tomorrow.


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